Personal data:
Name: Piotr (Peter)
Surname: Galas
City: Warsaw, Grochów district
Country: Poland
Nick: GeoS, Geo, G aka Gajcy
Tel. no.: +48 607 124 483
Email: piotr{at}piotrgalas'doty'com
ICQ/UIN: 120262736 UIN:120262736
GG: 153735 GG: 153735
Skype: geos_grchw My status
About me:
I graduated from Military University of Technology (MUT) in Warsaw (Poland), with Information Systems Specialization at Cybernetic Division.
It's hard to say when I started play with photography. Camera was part of family life since I remember. First my own was analog, one time use Agfa, which I used in Viena. I think that real start was when I bought my first real photo camera - digital Canon PowerShot G5. It was May 2004. Reason of buying it was quite clear - rising fascination with traditional photography and fascination with "digital world".
Since then Im trying to connect it with other hobbies - internet technologies, eXtreme sports, football (soccer in USA meaning), automotive, music and few more.
Some effects of my passions you can see on this site.
Have fun watching it :)
Few words about my photo gear:
During shooting Im using digital and analog cameras from Canon, Canon lenses, memory cards from Sandisk and Kingston, optical filers from B+W, Canon and Metz lamps, Minolta flash meters and a whole bunch of stuff from Manfrotto.
Legal note:
The photos and content on this website are copyrighted by me, Peter "GeoS" Galas. Please ask for authorisation and permission *before* you make any use of my photos (for private or business purposes).
Click -- here -- for e-mail.
Thank you very much for stopping by :)
Photo communities: - View My Profile Weekly Shot - Photography Contest and Group Photoblog Vazaar VFXY Photos
I belong to team which is developing Pixelpost, which is engine of this photoblog.
We are trying to keep this software as powerful and easy in use as it is possible.
It means many hours of hard work on code and needs many talks between Dev Team. Next to it Im an author of few Pixelpost's addons and Im thinking about few more. All of this consume a lot of time, power and needs a place where I can test all this new solutions with the most common enviroment with Pixelpost users enviroments. I'd appreciate if you can give me additional motivation and donate this process with any amount of money, event few cents - just click on Paypal's image which is below.
Services / Collaboration / Prints for sale:
If you are interested in buying prints then please send me an email (click -- here --). Ill send you back more informations.
If you need a photographer to take shots of an event (reportage and other), to get proper materials for company's catalogues, want to have nice souvenir for yourself and you still like my shots then do the same as with prints - contact with me by sending an email (click -- here --).
I'm open for collaboration in almost any aspect of photography (and IT services), commercial and non-profit!
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